Managed Cabling Services
Agility's inception into the IT space was in structured cabling and 12 years later it remains a staple service Agility offers.
Agility's launch into the IT space began in structured cabling. 12 years later, it still remains a staple service Agility offers.

What is Structured Cabling
Structured cabling is critical to building an efficient and organized network. Anyone can run Ethernet cables, but only someone who knows IT infrastructure can properly plan to build your network. Structured cabling is laying out cabling and equipment in a way governed by strict rules and regulations. ANSI/ITA-568 and ISO/IEC 11801 being two major regulations to follow. ANSI/TIA-568 originally wrote by the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) and has revised it over the years. The TIA-568 specifically deals with standards related to the performance of data cabling. This includes the installation, testing and length of the cable. The ISO/IEC is the international standards for information technology systems. The ISO standards are reviewed every five years, the last being in 2017. As the name suggests, it standardizes and regulates cabling system within an IT network. Section 11801 deals with the general standards for cabling in a commercial building covering data, voice, and video services for cabling, along with specs for both copper and cabling and fiber optic cabling. I know all this information may sound a little overwhelming, but that is why Agility is here.

Why Structured Cabling is Important
Having a structured and organized network allows you to maintain, troubleshoot, and scale your network more efficiently. This ensures you do not have to waist money if major revisions are needed on your infrastructure or network. Additionally, structured cabling further protects against wear, as it will be suspended with clamps, as opposed to lying on top of ceiling tile.

Why Use Agility
Agility has over 30 years of combined experience in structured cabling. This experience provides us an upper hand in designing and implementing outstanding networks. Agility is an IT company which gives an extremely in depth knowledge of the needs of a strong IT infrastructure. Agility gives the insight that would likely be lacking from a company who solely does wiring. Agility can also design your entire network to meet your specific IT needs. This includes configuring and installing routers, switches, servers, and more. Agility’s goal is to truly be a one stop shop for all your IT needs.